Description: By 2030, the tree canopy on campus must increase by 50%. Organizations could “adopt” or dedicate a native tree(s) and possibly care for it in the future with the help of facilities and groundskeeping staff.
Description: The Quad green space has many open areas where raised beds could be built. The raised beds could be used to grow general greenery/flowers, or be used to grow vegetables for the either Plant to Plate or the Pitt Pantry.
Description: There are various trellises around the green space in the Quad that are bare (as of right now). A group of students could plant some pollinating flowers/plants that grow on vines along these trellises to give some color and plant life to the green space, and give the local bees/birds some pollinating areas.
Description: This project strives to increase both the amount of greenspace and tree canopy, integrating well with the sustainability plan. It also works to increase the biodiversity of both insects and plants on campus. In addition it helps capture runoff water. Three gardens have been installed, one outside of Posvar, one by the Falk school, and the Marlin Garden by Chevron. There are two more plots that would be beneficial to install pollinator gardens. One is by the Sports Complex and the other outside of Thackery hall.
Contact Information/References: Kareem Rabbat, Andy Moran
5. Bird Feeders
Description: Building bird feeders out of recycled materials (possibly recycled wood from the theater department). These could be placed in various places around campus, like the Quad green space.
6. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) / Organic Land Care Standard Management Plan
Description: IMP management plan: uses a combination of biological, cultural, physical/mechanical and chemical management tools to solve pest problems while minimizing risks to people and the environment. Organic Land Care plan: plan to manage green space by maximizing sustainable solutions and eliminates inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides.
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