Chem E Cube!This innovative water filtering design took seond place in the national ChemE cube competition. They also recieved the Entrepreneur Award for the most mock investments in the competition. We are so proud of our ChemE Cube group!!!
Products for Menstrual Sustainability!The group for PMS has a goal of inciting young women to integrate the use of sustainable menstrual products. They achieved this by hosting two floor events in the dorms. In these events they passed out a collection of menstrual cups and period panties to give students options for sustainable menstrual wear. They are also planning on donating any surplus supplies to the pitt pantry!!!
Clean Green!This group allocated Generation Concious Dryer sheets that disintigrate in the dryer. The girls passed out these sheets at a tabling and pilot event in the Lothrop Dorm, with the goal of inciting green habits in the new student body. We cannot wait to see what comes next!!!
E-Cyclers!These students built off of Pitt battery collection stations by creating a space to sustainably dispose of electronics on campus. From microwaves to laptops to used e-cigarettes, their collection sites ensure of a green disposal. Additionally they are having a large scale collection day. We cannot wait to see this event come to fruition!!!
Find us in the student office of sustainability (WPU room 510) |